Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tilda Swinton Says She Tried to Murder Her Brother When She Was Young

File this one under shocking confessions of the day. According to Us Weekly, actress Tilda Swinton tried to kill her brother when she was a child. She was inspired by the murder of two-year-old James Bulger, which made headlines in the early '90s. "Years ago, when James Bulger was murdered, every newspaper front page was talking about evil. At that point, having suppressed it for years, I remembered when I was four or five, I tried to kill my own brother," recalled Swinton to the Telegraph Magazine (not online). "He was newly born and I was disappointed, because he was the third boy. That was enough as far as I was concerned." Luckily, the 'Burn After Reading' star never went through with it. Instead, she actually ended up saving her brother. When she walked into the room to kill him, she saw ribbons from a bonnet going into his mouth and she pulled them out. "I was discovered saving his life," said Switon. "So I had this strange reputation -- my brother's savior -- and no one knew I wanted to kill him." [via Us] [Photo: GF/bauergriffinonline.com] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook RELATED

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