Friday, October 14, 2011

'The Hunger Games' Capitol Seal Debuts [Moviefone Exclusive]

Attention 'Hunger Games' fans: the options certainly in your favor at this time around. In the last 2 days, people of Panem are actually treated to first looks whatsoever 12 district shuts -- many of which incorporated industry projects particularly written for your film by 'Hunger Games' author Suzanne Collins. Now comes the best puzzle piece: a preliminary think about the seal for your Capitol itself. Have a look in a unique observe that, together with another district shuts, ahead. Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Elizabeth Banks, Woodsy Harrelson, Stanley Tucci, Jesse Sutherland and Lenny Kravitz, 'The Hunger Games' involves theaters on March 23, 2012. Go back to Moviefone for further in regards to the lengthy looked forward to adaptation inside the lead-around release. For further on 'The Hunger Games,' mind towards the condition capitol website. [Top Photo: Lionsgate] 'Hunger Games' Photos See All Moviefone Galleries » Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook RELATED

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