Tuesday, August 23, 2011

East Coast Earthquake: Best Hollywood Quotes

On Tuesday, a 5.9 earthquake hit the East Coast, with the quake's epicenter in Virginia. But people in New York, Boston and Washington, D.C. felt it too.our editor recommendsEast Coast Earthquake News Coverage Interrupts ProgrammingDiscovery Headquarters Evacuated After Earthquake Earthquake: Twitter Users Learned of Tremors Seconds Before Feeling ThemEarthquake Videos Hit the Web; DSK Press Conference Interrupted NBC, ABC and CBS all interrupted regular programming to report on the quake -- one of the biggest stories of the day on news sites, second only to the unrest in Libya. CNN reporters were on the scene in New York City for first-hand accounts. An East Coast quake was predicted earlier this year by scientists at the Columbia University's Lamont-Dohery Earth Observatory. "It can happen anytime soon," a seismologist said at the time." PHOTOS: Earthquake on East Coast: Scene from New York and D.C. Here are some of Hollywood's best tweets about the quake: "Is the Earthquake in Mineral Virginia, an alleged 'gold-mining town' related to the island? Hmmm. What date is it today?," Lost executive producer Damon Lindelof tweeted. Film director Frank Marshall wrote, "Had to come all the way from LA to Queens to be in an earthquake!" Elizabeth Banks, who is shooting The Hunger Games film, wrote, "um, earthquake in north carolina? it's nice to feel at home but please, don't go overboard." Albert Brooks wrote, "If congress won't raise the debt ceiling, God will," with a link to a news report on the quake. Jason Biggs joked that the East Coast quake was a result of rumors that Will and Jada Pinkett Smith had split. "Obviously, God is mad about Will and Jada," he tweeted. The Good Wife actor Josh Charles retweeted stand-up comedian Craig Baldo, whose tweet read: "My cat just shit herself." Patton Oswalt joked, "Not to panic anyone in NYC, but a screaming John Cusack just drove by in a limo that was missing a door." Late Night With Jimmy Fallon's head writer A.D. Miles joked, "These hilarious quake tweets ought to be called 'laughter shocks!' " Will Arnett responded with "Ewwww Miles..." 30 Rock actor Judah Friedlander apologized for his contribution to the quake. "Sorry for the earthquake NYC, I just did a couple of intense jumping jacks," he joked before sending out another tweet. "Next time the Virginia Earth shakes, I will hold it still," Friedlander tweeted. Jared Followill, bassist of Kings of Leon, recalled the action on the streets in New York City. "The streets are filling with people. I just heard a vuvuzela. Parades are going on. Children being thrown in the air. What the hell?!" Comedian and frequent The Daily Show contributor John Hodgman wrote, "This guy in the cafe and I agree that we liked the earthquake when it first started. But now it's like, the wrong people are into it." Jersey Shore cast member Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi was succinct in her reactions to the quake. "Omg earthquakeeeee," read her first tweet, before she declared "2012 is near, I knew it!" Polizzi ended with "Waahhhhhhh." Related Topics East Coast Earthquake

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